Assumptions General Advice Your Problem Problem Types Type I Type II Type III Type IV Type V Type VI |
The Program - IntroductionOkay. You've read the disclaimer and all that nonsense and are ready to try to make a change...or you're at work and bored and shouldn't be looking at this. What's the next step? Our non-patented, multi-step program may or may not help, but what the hell, why not at least try it? The Program
Finally, under Assumptions, I describe what I'm assumptions I'm making about you and what you're looking for in a man. If you're looking for a woman, we're not qualified to provide answers for you. (On the other hand, we do own the domain, so if you want to work on it send me an email.) GOOD LUCK!
All materials © Copyright 2007 - Clint Zehner
If you are interested in reprinting any of the materials on this site, please contact me.
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